Does LPG cellulite treatment work?

The biggest question, I am sure you want to know, is if this treatment really works!? Everybody is different but many people have reported success through Endermologie treatments. The treatment has a proven high success rate with many people choosing to combine it with their weight loss routine, use it as an anti-aging technique or simply to improve their overall confidence with their look.

Why LPG Lipomassage

Due to several reasons including pregnancy, age and even diet or weight, you will find that skin tends to gradually lose its elasticity and tonicity which can cause issues with confidence and self-esteem for many. Lipomassage (LPG), also known as Endermologie, is a clinically proven, non-invasive treatment that works to contour, smoothen and break down cellulite (the dimpling effect on skin) around all areas of your body, and even face, using a technique that combines a vacuum suction technique with a massage roller. The suction massage roller that is used to suck and manipulate the soft tissues of your skin to help with targeting cellulite, also drains lymphatic fluid and stimulates blood circulation.
How cool is that? The hand-held massage roller is used by rolling the head over the desired areas. While kneading the skin, the massage roller sucks up the skin along with soft tissue. The manipulation of the skin is not only a way to treat cellulite, but also a way to increase blood flow, pull excess water from the body, and increase circulation. The fat, along with toxins, are also carried away with the water leaving the body.

How Lipomassage works

Developed by LPG Systems in the early 1990s, this body massage is a device that combines deep tissue massage with suction to restore the normal, healthy appearance of the thighs, buttocks, torso, and other parts of the body affected by cellulite.
LPG treatment is a way of slimming the body through deep massage and suction. The procedure brings oxygen and blood to the affected cellulite areas and then the water from these cells leaves the body through urination. Drinking lots of water is advised! By ridding the body of cellulite, it gives that slimmer look and makes the skin look nice and tight.
The treatment involves receiving a massage from a hand-held suction roller that a professional will knead against the skin to manipulate the soft tissue and break down cellulite, stimulate blood flow and release toxins through your excess bodily fluids. It is notable that regular exercise and keeping a healthy diet whilst getting treatments will help to enhance and may even hasten your results which can last up to 6 months. Before and after your sessions, you want to ensure that you are drinking plenty of water to allow the fluids to pass through and leave your body.

The Benefits of Lipomassage

There are many benefits to LPG than simply attacking the cellulite and trapped fat that cannot be targeted by diet and exercise alone. There are strong advantages to using this form of treatment compared to traditional methods, starting with the fact that it is non-invasive. This means that the skin is not punctured or cut such as in liposuction, so there is no recovery time after each treatment.
Virtually No Pain: The deep tissue massage may cause the feeling of pressure on the muscles, but for almost all who experience it there is no pain. In fact, many find the treatment to be comfortable and even soothing, much like a traditional deep tissue massage. The non-invasive, relaxing treatment is really pain-free and completely natural.
Works the Muscle Groups: The muscles underneath the cellulite will get a proper treatment thanks to the deep massage of the LPG device. For those who workout this will be a welcome respite which helps loosen the muscles, so they feel better. Not only does this treatment help with targeting cellulite but it also increases collagen production, which helps to thicken and restructure the epidermis and dermis. It also increases lymphatic fluid and blood circulation of the body as well as the number of fibroblasts and even secretion production.
Effective: It is true that most people will see good results after several treatments. So, the system does work as advertised. Keep in mind that the treatment itself does not remove cellulite, it only reduces its appearance. The fat cells never really disappear, but they are greatly reduced when combined with the proper diet and exercise program.For men and women who want the areas of cellulite reduced in their appearance, this is one of the simplest and best ways to achieve that goal.
This helps to release the fat and toxins out of your excess bodily water fluids to tighten, smoothen and firm your skin as well as contour the body. LPG is not a weight loss treatment but rather, is used to reduce sagging skin from weight loss and even aging.

Did You Know that Endermologie is a Must after Liposuction?

If you're thinking it seems easier to just get liposuction done and forget Endermologie, you are wrong! Endermologie is a must after liposuction. Liposuction may get rid of the fat but also may cause pain, stiffness, and lack of skin tone. To avoid all those problems, it is a good idea to go through Endermologie treatments, where you will achieve better circulation to the worked-on area, thus you will have tighter skin, less pain and stiffness.

What Celebrities Have Used Endermologie?

You may be wondering if celebrities have used Endermologie because they seem to have tight and cellulite free skin. Well, you are right! There is actually many celebrities that use this therapy. Angelina Jolie is one that has been using endermologie for years and still does to this day. Believe-it-or-not Matthew McConaughey, yes, a man, uses LPG to maintain his suave look. Other celebrities that use this therapy include Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, Tyra Banks, Beyoncé, Sylvester Stallone, Britney Spears and more!
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